Population (as of October 2021) | Households | Area | Administrative Organizations | Climate | Administrative Divisions | |
Average Annual Temperature | Average Annual Precipitation | |||||
42,372 | 22,244 | 357.62㎢ | 13 departments, 2 affiliated organizations, 1 office 10 eup and myeon | 15.2℃ | 1,730㎜ | 1 eup, 9 myeon, 222 ri |
Population (as of October 2021) | Households | Area | Climate | Administrative Divisions | |
Average Annual Temperature | Average Annual Precipitation | ||||
38,326 | 22,000 households | 655.81㎢ | 14℃ | 800∼1,000mm | 2 eup, 12 myeon |
Population (as of October 2021) | Area | Administrative Organizations | Climate | Administrative Divisions | |
Average Annual Temperature | Average Annual Precipitation | ||||
116,711 | 608.15㎢ | 3 bureaus, 2 affiliated organizations 3 offices, 1 group, 22 departments 19 eup, myeon and dong |
14.6℃ | 117mm | 1 eup, 12 myeon, 7 dong, 448 ri, 121 tong, 1,289 ban |